Project competition in open procedure | 2023 | Customer: Stiftung Berufsbildungscampus Ostschweiz | 4. Price

The new BBCO building is composed of multiple structures: Three simple, elongated, compact buildings surround a one-story pavilion that serves as the central hub of the campus. The training facility, situated parallel to Auholzstrasse, offers expansion possibilities towards Auwiesenstrasse. It defines the eastern street space and forms the core of the complex inside, featuring three stories. Adjacent to Auwiesenstrasse and orthogonal to the training facility, two opposing workshop buildings create an internal workspace. In the center of this layout, the pavilion with a public character is placed on an elevated park island, creating a covered central gathering space with a surrounding canopy. The compact yet open design establishes a connection with the rural context, creating diverse outdoor spaces. This approach is rooted in the concept of a campus and emphasizes flexibility and sustainability.

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Team KCA: Cihan Kuyucu, Stéphane Chau
Landschaftsarchitektur: Michel Frey Landschaftsarchitekten, Zürich
Bauingenieur: Patrick Ole Ohlbrock, Zürich
Nachhaltigkeit: Büro für Nachhaltigkeit am Bau AG, Zürich
Gebäudetechnik: G+T Ingenieure GmbH, Winterthur
Elektroplanung: gutknecht elektroplanung AG, Au
Visualisierung: Kuyucu Chau, Zürich